HR & Management Consulting in Saudi Arabia

Interested in our Solutions?

Consulting Services

Dedicated professionals with deep regional knowledge and international experience.

Our team has decades of experience in human capital management and organization development consulting, offering our expertise to help you develop customized and implementable solutions that best fit your organization.

Our approach goes beyond structure and people; we focus on creating synergy between both to drive your business forward.

In 2019 SOURCEitHR signed a partnership with Mercer ®, the World’s #1 Human Resources consultancy firm. 

This partnership provides our customers with the latest in thought leadership coupled with local and regional expertise across all industries and family owned businesses.

sourceithr organization development

Organization Development

An agile and dynamic organization fit for the ever-changing business and economic climates.

In the rapid and dynamic world we live in today, having a robust, yet agile HR foundation drives is a decisive factor in achieving your strategic goals; from organizational restructuring to ensure having the most optimal vehicle that drives your organization the projected goals, to Job analysis that properly ensures having the right functionality and jobs within your organization to ensure optimizing operations and maximize output, we delve deeper into your business and culture, and provide applicable solutions that will ensure a steady and visible development.

  1. Organizational Restructuring
  2. Job Analysis
  3. Job Evaluations
  4. Grade Structures
sourceithr reward management

Reward Management

Competitive in attaining and retaining the required talents.

To ensure attaining and retaining the required talents, we build competitive salary scales based on reliable market data; using our databases, we are able to benchmark salaries across several sectors and several countries and regions around the world, and accordingly develop competitive salary scales that incentivize employees and progress with performance. We also provide the proper tools to manage salaries to ensure remaining competitive and aligned with market values.

  1. Salary Scales
  2. Total Reward Packages
  3. Executive Packages
  4. Salary Administration Guides
sourceithr talent management

Talent Management

Employee Experience guides employee performance.

To ensure having the proper internal foundation that enables employees to prosper within your organization, and have an overall performance-driven organization, we develop career paths that allow career progression, and develop performance management systems based on global best practices to ensure having a healthy competition climate that drives the organization forward.

  1. Behavioral Competency Dictionaries
  2. Technical Skills Framework
  3. Performance Management systems
  4. Career Paths
  5. Succession Planning
  6. Training and Development Plans
  7. Workforce Planning
  8. HR Policies and Procedures
sourceithr change management

Change Management

Driving change into progress.

All solutions may seem logical and ideal on paper, however, long term effectivity is reliant on proper implementation, and overall buy-in; which is why, we work with you in planning change, setting communication strategies that cut across the entire organization, and provide training in transforming the culture into the desired state